
14 Storey tower
398 homes
14,000 sq ft amenity space

Construction partners



Glancy Nicholls


Completed November 2024

Introducing Moda Loudon's Yard, a vibrant urban community that's set to redefine Edgbaston, Birmingham. Part of Moda's emerging UK-wide masterplan strategy, Loudon’s Yard is paving the way for a unique blend of lifestyle, health, and tech-focused living, all rooted in social and environmental sustainability.

Nestled within the heart of Edgbaston, Moda, Loudon's Yard features 398 homes currently under construction accompanied by best-in-class amenities. The neighbourhood is soon to evolve into the expansive Birmingham masterplan,
Moda, New Garden Square – a dynamic development that will integrate commercial, retail, dining and community spaces, creating a thriving community with over 2,400 new homes and £6m of new public realm.

Green space is element of Moda, Loudon's Yard in line with the area’s heritage and Moda’s own commitment to wellbeing and sustainability. In the 19th Century, landowners refused to allow factories to be built in the area as industrialisation gripped Birmingham, and Edgbaston became known as the place "where the trees begin". Moda, Loudon's Yard celebrates this heritage with mature trees, gardens and green spaces throughout the neighbourhood.

With Moda's own commitment to wellbeing and sustainability, Loudon’s Yard features an acre of landscaped courtyard and gardens built to encourage community and cultural activation.